Thursday, October 16, 2008


I decided to start this blog in order to share the bizarre quirk, trick, and obstacles I've come across when trying to write cross browser compliant HTML and CSS (They do go hand in hand after-all). Mostly I will post solutions to problems here that I have found on the web by hammering away with a Google Search what my exact problem is. 99% of the time, somebody else has an answer.

Browser Neutral

I do not favor (religiously) one browser over another. I am a Web Interface Developer. I have to make sure my stuff works on all browsers (not in beta). Most of the trouble comes when making a site look the same in FireFox and IE. There there is the added bonus of IE7 and IE6 having their differences (BTW, I've found a non-hack, non conditional comment, method of targeting styles for IE7 and IE6 in the same style sheet, more on the later.) Firefox also has it's share of bugs, some of which only really good QA personal can pick up on.

I have worked on many of Fidelity Investments web sites/apps, both internal and external. I have done some very interesting stuff at American Well (when their stuff hits the market, it should be game changing), and currently I work at Monster on the Hiring/Employer site.

At each step of the way I've thought "what else is there left to learn?"

Answer: lots!

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