Monday, June 13, 2011

CSS3 Box Previewer

Preview and Create CSS3 boxes with shadows, rounded corners, gradients, text shadows, and more...

Preview and Create CSS3 boxes with shadows, rounded corners, gradients, text shadows, and more all without using a single image. It's about freaking time!!!

This site will let you edit the CSS directly on the page (without using an element inspector).

Pretty cool...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Monday, February 21, 2011

INPUT[type=text] and SELECT: Setting widths

Why won't the widths render the same for these elements?

Because the world isn't a perfect place, that's why.

If you're coding a nice clean form and you want your <select> tags and your <input type="text"> tags all to be the same width, you would think that:

select { 
     border: solid 1px #c2c1c1; 
     width: 150px; 
     padding: 2px; 

...would do the trick.

But no, <select> Renders differently (and it always has, remember that old z-indexing issue in old IE browsers?). It turns out that when you set the width of a <select>, that is the width it gets.

When you set the width of the <input type="text"> (and any other element), it gets that width + any padding you set + the border width. <select>doesn't roll that way

So after you set the above styles, you then need to set a special width for :

select { 
     width: 156px; 
//needs to be input[type=text] width + [2×(border and padding)] }

A PITA, but that's like in the UXDEV world...